World of Darkness Armor and Shields


Name: The name of the article of protective gear. If a name is followed by a variant note (such as [God-Machine Chronicle Variant]), multiple versions of the item exist with significant variations in mechanics or cost.

Rating: The rating of armor is automatically subtracted from the dice pool of attacks. The first value subtracts from general attacks, while the second applies to attacks from guns or bows using the Firearms skill. The rating of armor can be ignored if the attacker makes a targeted attack to a spot not protected by the armor.

Strength: If the character wearing armor does not meet or exceed its Strength requirement, they suffer a -1 penalty to Brawl and Weaponry attacks.

Defense/Speed Modifier: The amount by which worn armor reduces a character's Defense and Speed.

Cost: The amount of dots in an appropriate Merit—usually Resources—to purchase or acquire this item.

Notes: Special rules that apply to this article of armor.

Reference: The page number(s) in one of the World of Darkness rulebooks that details this item.

Name Rating Strength Defense Modifier Speed Modifier Cost Notes Reference
Bomb Suit 3/6 3 -3 -3 ••••• An explosion that does 4 or more points of Lethal damage shatters the ceramic plates and reduces the rating to 2/3. Armory 175
Bulletproof Vest 2/3 1 -1 0 ••• Downgrades damage from firearms to Bashing. Most vests cover only the upper torso and targeted attacks ignore them. Armory 175
Bulletproof Vest Accessories 1/2 1 0 0 •• Includes groin shields, neck/throat protectors, limb armor, back armor, and helmets. Each piece, bought separately, offers its armor rating against targeted attacks to its respective region.
Also downgrades damage from firearms to Bashing.
Armory 175
Chain Mail 2/1 3 -2 -2 •• Torso-only armor. A full suit costs ••.
Lighter aluminum chain mail is rated 1/1 and has -1 Defense and Speed instead.
Armory 176
Flak Jacket 1/2 1 -1 0 Torso-only armor. Any damage from firearms over the Rating is Lethal, but damage under this value is downgraded to Bashing. Armory 177
Full Riot Gear 3/4 2 -2 -1 ••• Protects the whole body; for Cost ••••, the riot gear can provide equal protection against armor-piercing weapons. Armory 177
Leather Armor 1/0 2 -1 0 Riveted leather armor costs •• and has Rating 2/0. Armory 177
Lorica Segmentata 2/2 3 -2 -2 •••• Armory 177-178
Plate Armor 3/2 4 -2 -3 •••• If not fitted for the wearer, Defense falls to -3 and Speed to -4. Armory 178
Reinforced Clothing 1/0 1 0 0 Armory 178
Sports Equipment 2/0 2 -1 -1 Armory 178


Name: The name of the article of protective gear. If a name is followed by a variant note (such as [God-Machine Chronicle Variant]), multiple versions of the item exist with significant variations in mechanics or cost.

Defense: The Defense bonus the wielder of a shield gains in close combat. If the shield-bearer opts not to attack, they gain +1 to the listed bonus. In most cases, shields offer a -1 concealment penalty against ranged attacks.

Strength: If the character bearing the shield does not meet the Strength requirement, they gain no Defense from it, but still benefit from the -1 concealment penalty against ranged attacks.

Cost: The amount of dots in an appropriate Merit—usually Resources—to purchase or acquire this item.

Notes: Special rules that apply to this article of armor.

Reference: The page number(s) in one of the World of Darkness rulebooks that details this item.

Name Defense Strength Cost Notes Reference
Ballistic Shield +2 3 ••• Ranged attacks against someone using a ballistic shield suffer -3 unless the attacks are armor-piercing. Armory 178-179
Improvised Shields +1 1 Varies Attacks made while bearing an improvised shield suffer -3, and the shield only lasts for one hit per point of Structure. Armory 179
Medieval Shield +2 3 •• Armory 179
Riot Shield +2 2 •• The user of a riot shield can apply their full Defense against thrown weapons.
Electrified riot shields cost ••• they force any subjects who come into contact with them to roll Stamina and, upon failure, fall prone and become immobilized for (5 - Stamina) turns.
Armory 179
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