World of Darkness Weapons

Melee Weapons

Melee Weapon Traits

Damage: The number of bonus dice added to a dice pool when using this weapon. A notation of "9 again" or "8 again" indicate that the user re-rolls 9s or 8s in addition to just 10s as appropriate (see World of Darkness p. 134).

Size: The weapon's Size (see World of Darkness p. 135). An additional value indicates the amount of clothing under which a weapon can be concealed: P (Palm/Pocket), S (Shirt), J (Jacket), L (Long Coat), or N (Not concealable).

The Strength requirement of most melee weapons is equal to their Size, unless otherwise noted. If a character uses a weapon whose Strength requirement exceeds theirs, they suffer a -1 penalty per dot of difference.

Durability: The amount of successes that are subtracted from attacks that target the weapon before damage is applied. A weapon's Structure is its Durability + Size.

Cost: The amount of dots in an appropriate Merit—usually Resources—to purchase or acquire this item.

Notes: Additional information on the weapon not listed in its other statistics.

Reference: The page number(s) in one of the World of Darkness rulebooks that details this weapon.

If a row in a table is red, it is a custom or homebrew weapon. Storytellers should only add them into their games with careful consideration.

Knives and Daggers

Name Damage Size Durability Cost Notes Reference
Bayonet 2 (L) 1/S 3 Damage 1 (L) if mounted on a bullpup (Size 2) rifle or detached and used in combat. Armory 21
Bowie Knife 2 (L) 1/J 4 Durability is always +1; adds +1 to appropriate Crafts rolls (i.e. whittling wood). Armory 21
Combat Knife 1 (L) 1/S 3 Armory 21
Katar Punch-Dagger 2 (L) 1/S 3 •• Strength + Brawl used for attacks. Armory 21-22
Keris 2 (L) 2/J 3 •• True Keris daggers require a Speciality to be wielded without a -1 penalty; modern props do not but have damage 1 (L). Armory 22
Khukri 2 (L) 2/J 3 •• 9 again to called shots; 20+-inch sword khukris exist: Damage 3 (L), Cost ••••, Size 3. Armory 22
Main Gauche 1 (L) 1/S 3 If used to parry attacks in an off-hand, +1 to Defense. Armory 22
Pocketknife -1 (L) 1/P 2 After doing 3 damage in one attack, the blade breaks; user suffers 1 Lethal damage upon a dramatic failure; may add +1 to appropriate Crafts rolls. Armory 22
Rondel Dagger 1 (L) 1/S 3 •• Armor Piercing 1; +2 if used for a sneak attack. Armory 22-23
Trench Knife (World War I) 1 (L) or (B) 1/S 3 Deals Lethal damage if used as a knife, Bashing damage if used as brass knuckles (Strength + Brawl). Armory 23
Switchblade 0 (L) 1/P 3 Armory 23


Name Damage Size Durability Cost Notes Reference
Bastard Sword 3/4 (L) 3/N 3 •• One- or two-handed, with Strength 4/Damage 3 and Strength 3/Damage 4, respectively. Armory 24
Curved Sword 3 (L) 2/L 3 •• +1 when attacking from high ground. Armory 24-25
Fencing Sword 1 (L) 2/L 3 Armor Piercing 1. Armory 25
Fish-Spine Sword 1 (L) (9 again) 2/L 1 Durability 1 since it's literally made of bone. Armory 25
Gladius 2 (L) 2/S 3 •• No actual combat-ready gladii survive today. Armory 25
Great Sword 4 (L) 3/N 3 ••• Requires 2 hands or +1 to Strength requirement. Armory 25
Katana 3 (L) 2/L 4 ••• Most are decorative: Damage 2 (L), Durability 2, Cost ••. Armory 25-26
Long Sword 3 (L) 2/L 3 •• Armory 27
Machete 2 (L) 2/J 3 Armory 27
Rapier 2 (L) 2/L 3 •• Armor Piercing 1. Armory 27
Sword Cane 2 (L) or (B) 2/L 3 •• Bashing damage when sheathed. Armory 27
Wakizashi 2 (L) 2/S 4 ••• Armory 27-28
Zweihander 4 (L) (9 again) 4/N 3 ••• Requires 2 hands or +1 Strength requirement. Armory 28

Blunt Weapons

Name Damage Size Durability Cost Notes Reference
Escrima Sticks 1 (B) 2/S 2 Rattan: Durability 1, Damage -1 (B); Wooden: Durability 1, Damage 0 (B); Metal: Durability 2, Damage 1 (B). Armory 28
Flail 3 (B/L) 3/N 3 •• Lethal damage if spiked; shields provide no defense; requires Dexterity 3. Armory 28
Mace 3 (B) 2/L 3 •• Armory 28
Maul 4 (B) 3/N 3 •• Requires 2 hands or +1 Strength requirement. Armory 28
Morning Star 3 (L) 3/N 3 •• Armory 28
Sap 1 (B) 1/P 2 If damage caused by a Sap meets or exceeds the target's Stamina, they lose their next action. Armory 28-29
Shakuhachi Flute 0 (B) 1/S 2 Usable as a flute (+1 equipment bonus). Armory 29
Telescopic Baton 3 (B) 2/J 3 Collapses to size 1/S. Armory 29
Tonfa (Nightstick) 2 (B) 2/J 3 +1 Defense in close combat. Armory 29-30
Wooden Club 2 (B) 2/J 1 Improvised clubs still suffer -1 for being improvised. Armory 30

Chain Weapons

The Kusari Gama, Koyoketsu Shogi, and Manriki Gusari have -2 to their Damage trait unless the user has the Chain Weapons Style Merit.

Name Damage Size Durability Cost Notes Reference
Chain (Basic) 1 (B) 1/S 3 Small chains (like bicycle chains) don't impose a -1 for being improvised; other chains do. Armory 30
Kusari Gama 2 (B/L) 3/N 3 •• Armory 30
Koyoketsu Shogi 1 (B/L) 3/N 3 •• +2 to Climbing rolls. Armory 30
Manriki Gusari 2 (B) 2/L 3 Imposes a -1 on checks made to escape its grapples Armory 30
Nunchaku 1 (B) 1/S 3 -1 without Dexterity •••, cannot be used for Chain Weapons Style attacks. Armory 30
Poi 0 (B) 1/S 3 See Armory 31 for fire poi rules. Armory 30-31


Unless otherwise noted, the wielder of a polearm gains +1 to their Defense. Also, all polearms require two hands; their strength requirement rises by 1 if used one-handed.

Name Damage Size Durability Cost Notes Reference
Halberd 4 (L) 4/N 3 ••• Make a trip attack as with the Staff Fighting Style Merit (Armory p. 213); if already posessing that Merit, +1. Armory 31
Naginata 3 (L) 4/N 2 ••• -1 to Strength requirement. Armory 31
Quarterstaff 2 (B) 4/N 1 Weapon-grade staves have Durability 2 and Cost ••; a quarterstaff can be improvised by breaking the end off a broom or rake, but it has Damage 1 (B). Armory 32
Spear 3 (L) 4/N 2 Can be thrown. Armory 32
Trident 4 (L) 4/N 2 •• Can be thrown. Armory 32

Axes and Hammers

Name Damage Size Durability Cost Notes Reference
Battle-Ax 3 (L) 3/N 3 •• Armory 32-33
Crash Ax 2 (L) 2/L 4 Armory 33
Fire Ax 3 (L) 3/N 2 Requires 2 hands or +1 Strength requirement; advanced models cost •• and have Durability 3 with a secondary pick with Damage 2 (L) and Armor Piercing 1. Armory 33
Hatchet 1 (L) 1/S 2 Armory 33
Ice Ax 2 (L) 2/J 1 Armor Piercing 1. Armory 33
War Ax 5 (L) (9 again) 4/N 3 ••• Requires 2 hands or +1 Strength requirement. Armory 33-34
War Hammer 5 (B) or 4 (L) 4/N 3 •• Requires 2 hands or +1 Strength requirement; blunt end with Damage 5 (B) and pick end with Damage 4 (L) and Armor Piercing 1; every attack after the first takes a -3 unless the wielder skips a turn to steady themselves. Armory 34

Miscellaneous Weapons

Name Damage Size Durability Cost Notes Reference
Bagh-Nakh 1 (L) 1/P 3 Uses Strength + Brawl. Armory 34
Brass Knuckles 1 (B) 1/P 3 Uses Strength + Brawl; a few variants. Armory 34
Catch Pole 0 (B) 3/N 2 Can grapple with Strength + Weaponry. Armory 34
Fakir's Horns -1 (L) 3/N 3 +1 Defense; another +1 Defense if using the Weaponry Dodge Merit. Armory 34-35
Iron Fan 0 (B) 1/S 3 •• +1 to Defense when using Weaponry Dodge Armory 35
Jittei 3 (B) 2/J 3 +1 Defense; can target opponent's weapon at a -3, and the jittei takes no damage if it fails to damage the weapon. Armory 35
Ring Blade -1 (L) 1/P 3 Uses Strength + Brawl. Armory 35
Strangle Wire 2 (L) 1/P 2 Can be used to grapple and choke a target (they fall unconscious after taking damage equal to their Stamina and failing a Stamina roll); automatic grapple success with a sneak attack. Armory 35
Sjambok 1 (B) 2/J 2 If striking exposed skin, next action is at a -1. Armory 35
Stun Gun 1/P 3 Attack with Deterity + Weaponry and force penalty equal to successes on target's next roll; if successes exceed the target's Size, she falls unconscious for a number of turns equal to successes rolled. Armory 36
Whip 1 (B) 2/J 1 No Strength requirement; attacks use Dexterity + Weaponry; can target weapons with a -3, but success forces the opponent to make a Strength + Stamina - attacker's Dexterity roll or drop the weapon. Armory 36
Wooden Stake 1 (L) 1/S 1 -3 to target heart, must score exceptional success to pierece heart. Armory 36 and Armory Errata 1

Improvised Melee Weapons

All improvised weapons incur -1 to the wielder's attack roll (which is incorporated into the tables below). An improvised weapon's Damage rating is usually equal to the lower of its Durability or Size.


Name Damage Size Durability Cost Notes Reference
Belt Sander -2 (L) (9 again) 2/N 3 •• Armory 38
Blowtorch -1 (L) fire 2/S 2 ••• Flame of Torch size and Bunsen burner intensity; blowtorches never inflict more than 3 points of damage; on exceptional success, the victim catches fire. Armory 38-39
Chainsaw -2 (L) (8 again) 3/N 3 On dramatic failure, roll 3 dice and apply 8 again, inflicting successes on the user. Armory 39
Claw Hammer 1 (B) or 0 (L) 1/S 3 The hammer side does Bashing damage and the claw side does Lethal damage. Armory 39
Fishing Gaff -1 (L) 3/N 2 If it does any damage, it hooks enemies, halving their defense until they escape with Strength + Brawl and take 1 Lethal damage. Armory 39
Flare -2 (L) fire 1/S 1 Illuminates a 5x5 yard area; Torch size and chemical fire intensity; never deals more than 4 points of damage in one attack; exceptional success causes the victim to catch fire. Armory 39
Nail Gun 0 (L) 2/J 3 Pressing the gun to a surface requires a Strength + Firearms roll, which deals an automatic Lethal point of damage in addition to successes rolled; additional difficulty in removing nailed-down appendages. Armory 39-40
Post-Hole Digger 1 (L) 4/N 2 User gains +1 Defense; on an exceptional success, make another attack roll at +2 and without the opponent's Defense to deal Lethal damage. Armory 40
Power Drill 0 (L) 2/J 3 Armor Piercing 1; with 3+ successes, 1 additional point of Lethal damage per round. Armory 41
Screwdriver 0 (L) 1/S 3 Armor Piercing 1. Armory 41
Scythe 2 (L) 4/N 2 +1 Defense (as a polearm). Armory 41
Shovel 1 (B) 3/N 2 Strength requirement of 2; deals Lethal damage on exceptional success. Armory 41
Sledgehammer 2 (B) (9 again) 3/N 2 Armory 41

Found and Rigged Weapons

Name Damage Size Durability Cost Notes Reference
Board With a Nail in It 1 (B and L) 2/L 1 Half damage is Bashing, half is Lethal. Armory 41
Bottle 0 (B/L) 1/P 1 If it does 2+ points of damage in one attack, it breaks and gains Damage 0 (L); if it breaks again, it becomes useless; larger bottles have Damage 1 (B/L) and Size 2/J and break if they do 3+ points of damage; dramatic failure makes the wielder take 1 point of Lethal damage. Armory 41-42
Homemade Sap 0 (B) Variable 1 Stuns targets as a Sap; may break after causing 3 levels of damage. Armory 42-43
Power Cord 1 (B) 1/P 1 Can be used as a whip at a -1 or to grapple and choke enemies. Armory 43
Razor Blade -2 (L) 1/P 2 Dropped on a failed attack roll; Damage 0 (L) in a grapple. Armory 43
Rock 0 (B) 1/P 2 Dropped on a failed attack roll; can be thrown; a blow to the head (-3 penalty) that exceeds the target's Size knocks them unconscious if they fail a Stamina roll. Armory 43
Shard of Glass -1 (L) 1/J 1 Each use deals 1 Lethal damage to the wielder; if it does 2+ damage in one attack, it breaks. Armory 43
Shiv 0 (L) 1/P 1 Armory 43-44
Straightened Wire Hanger -1 (B) 2/J 1 If striking exposed flesh, the target suffers -1 to their next action; an exceptional success upgrades 1 point of damage to Lethal. Armory 44


Ranged Weapon Traits

Damage: The number of bonus dice added to a dice pool when using this weapon. Most ranged weapons deal Lethal (L) damage. A notation of "9 again" or "8 again" indicate that the user re-rolls 9s or 8s in addition to just 10s as appropriate (see World of Darkness p. 134).

Ranges: The weapon's short/medium/long range (in yards). Attacks at medium range suffer -2, and attacks at long range suffer -4.

Capacity: The amount of ammunition the weapon holds. A notation of +1 indicates that the gun can be loaded with one additional round in the chamber, ready to fire.

Strength: The minimum Strength requirement to use the weapon effectively. A character with a lower Strength than this value suffers a penalty to her attack rolls equal to the difference. Guns capable of automatic fire require more Strength for automatic fire, in which case there are three values in parentheses that indicate the Strength required for short/medium/long bursts.

Size: The weapon's Size (see World of Darkness p. 135). An additional value indicates the amount of clothing under which a weapon can be concealed: P (Palm/Pocket), S (Shirt), J (Jacket), L (Long Coat), or N (Not concealable).

Cost: The amount of dots in an appropriate Merit—usually Resources—to purchase or acquire this item.

Weapon statistics are usually taken from World of Darkness: Armory. For the most part, weapons listed are generic versions. Armory usually has additional statistics for specific weapons.

If a row in a table is red, it is a custom or homebrew weapon. Storytellers should only add them into their games with careful consideration.


Name Damage Ranges Capacity Strength Size Cost Notes Reference
.22 LR 1 (L) 5/10/20 6 0 1/P Capacity ranges from 5 to 10 rounds. Armory 62
.38 Special 2 (L) 20/40/80 6 1 1/S •• Police patrol model: Size increases to 1/J, Range increases to 25/50/100.
Capacity ranges from 5 to 8 rounds.
Armory 62
.357 Magnum 3 (L) 30/60/120 6 2 1/S •• Long-barrelled: Size increases to 1/J, Range increases to 35/70/140. Armory 62
.44 Magnum 3 (L) (9 again) 35/70/140 6 3 2/J ••• Armory 62


Name Damage Ranges Capacity Strength Size Cost Notes Reference
Holdout Pistol 1 (L) 5/10/20 6+1 1 1/P Armory 64
9mm Luger 2 (L) 20/40/80 15+1 2 1/S •• Capacity ranges from 8+1 to 17+1 rounds. Armory 64
.40 S&W 2 (L) (9 again) 25/50/100 12+1 2 1/S •• Capacity ranges from 10+1 to 16+1 rounds. Armory 64
.45 ACP 3 (L) 30/60/120 8+1 2 1/S •• Capacity ranges from 6+1 to 12+1 rounds Armory 64

Other Handguns

Name Damage Ranges Capacity Strength Size Cost Notes Reference
Derringer 1 (L) 2/5/10 2 1 1/P Mid-caliber derringers (i.e. .32 ACP or .38 Special) have Damage 2 and Strength 3. Armory 66-68
Pen Gun 1 (L) 1/2/5 1 2 1/P •• The wielder must spend a full turn readying the pen gun before firing and 5 turns reloading it. Restricted or illegal in most nations. Armory 67-68
Silhouette Pistol 4 (L) 100/200/400 1 3 1/L ••• Armory 67-68
Zip Gun 0-1 (L) 1/2/5 1 1 1/P Damage depends on caliber the gun was created for (see Armory 85). Requires an extended Intelligence + Crafts roll (8 successes required; 1 hour per roll) to assemble. Reloading takes 2 turns. Lose 10-again and subtract 1s from successes. Dramatic failure usually results in the shooter losing fingers. Armory 67-68

Submachine Guns

Name Damage Ranges Capacity Strength Size Cost Notes Reference
9mm Luger Submachine Gun 2 (L) 30/60/120 32+1 2 (2/3/4) 2/L ••• Armory 68
9mm Luger Machine Pistol 2 (L) 20/40/80 20+1 2 (3/4/5) 1/J ••• Armory 69
.45 ACP Submachine Gun 3 (L) 30/60/120 30+1 2 (2/3/4) 2/N ••• Armory 68


See Armory pp. 71-74 for additional rules on specific actions such as bolt- and lever-action and semi-automatic.

Name Damage Ranges Capacity Strength Size Cost Notes Reference
Plinking Rifle 1 (L) 30/60/120 5+1 1 2/N Usually chambered in .22 LR.
Comes in semi-automatic, bolt-action, pump-action, and lever-action models.
Armory 71
Target Rifle 4 (L) 150/300/600 5+1 2 3 •• Usually chambered in .223 Remington and .270 Winchester.
Almost always bolt-action.
Armory 71
Hunting Rifle 4 (L) (9 again) 200/400/800 4+1 2 3 ••• Available in many calibers.
Most are bolt-action; a few are semi-automatic.
Armory 71
Sniper Rifle 4 (L) (9 again) 250/500/1000 10+1 2 3 •••• Usually 7.62x51mm NATO or 7.62x54mm Russian, though sometimes .300 Winchester Magnum or .338 Laupa.
Typically bolt-action or semi-automatic with detachable magazines.
Armory 71-72
Big Game Rifle 5 (L) 250/500/1000 3+1 3 3 •••• Generally chambered in large calibers like .375 H&H, .458 Magnum, or .460 Weatherby.
Exclusively bolt-action with an internal magazine or break-action (Capacity 1).
If fired from any position where the weapon isn't braced against the shooter properly, the Strength requirement increases to 5 and she suffers the rifle's Damage rating as an attack dice pool that inflicts Bashing damage and has the Knockdown effect.
Armory 72
Anti-Materiel Rifle 5 (L) (8 again) 300/600/1200 5+1 3 4 ••••• Chambered in .50 BMG and 12.x108 Russian.
Most are bolt-action with detachable magazines; a few are semi-automatic.
All anti-materiel rifles have Armor Piercing 6.
Use the recoil rules for firing a big game rifle (above), but the only position considered "good" for an anti-materiel rifle is a prone stance with the bipod deployed.
Armory 72
VSS Vintorez 3 (L) (9 again) 200/400/800 10+1 2 (2/2/3) 3 •••• Uses proprietary SP-5 and SP-6 rounds. The former are subsonic; the latter provide Armor Piercing 2.

Assault Rifles

Name Damage Ranges Capacity Strength Size Cost Notes Reference
5.56mm AR 4 (L) 150/300/600 30+1 2 (2/3/4) 3 ••• Can be found as a Bullpup model which changes the Size to 2/L and the cost to •••• Armory 75
7.62mm AR 4 (L) (9 again) 200/400/800 20+1 3 (3/4/5) 3 ••• Armory 75


Shotguns are unique in that their attributes vary somewhat between different gauges. The default gauge for a shotgun is 12, but for other common gauges, see the table below.

Gauge Damage Range Modifier Capacity Modifier Strength Modifier
.410 2 (L) (9 again) -10/-20/-30 +2 -1
28 2 (L) (9 again) -10/-20/-30 +2 -1
20 3 (L) (9 again) -5/-10/-15 +1 -1
16 4 (L) Same Same Same
10 5 (L) +5/+10/+15 -1 +1

Name Damage Ranges Capacity Strength Size Cost Notes Reference
Break-Action 4 (9 again) 20/40/80 2 3 3 Can be single-barrelled (Capacity 1), over-under, or side-by-side. Armory 77
Lever-Action 4 (9 again) 20/40/80 2+1 3 3 •• Armory 77
Pump-Action 4 (9 again) 20/40/80 8+1 3 3 Many civilian hunting shotguns are sold with magazine plugs, making the capacity 5+1, 4+1, or 3+1. Armory 77
Semi-Automatic 4 (9 again) 20/40/80 5+1 3 3 ••• Many are sold with magazine plugs installed (see above). Armory 77

Machine Guns

Name Damage Ranges Capacity Strength Size Cost Notes Reference
Squad Automatic Weapon 4 (L) 175/350/700 200 – (3/4/5) 3 ••••• Usually chambered in 5.56mm NATO or 5.45×39mm Russian. Armory 79
General-Purpose Machine Gun 4 (L) (9 again) 250/500/1000 100 – (4/4/5) 4 ••••• Chambered in heavy rifle calibers, commonly 7.62mm NATO. Armory 79
Heavy Machine Gun 5 (L) (8 again) 300/600/1200 50 – (3/3/4) 5 ••••• Listed Strength requirements are for when the HMG is attached to a solid object.
All HMGs have Armor Piercing 6.
Armory 79-80

Archaic Firearms

Black powder for archaic weapons can be created, but it requires eight hours and a successful Intelligence + Science roll, with each success yielding 1/4 pound of black powder (enough for 10 shots). Unless otherwise noted, no archaic firearm can use any kind of speciality ammunition.

Name Damage Ranges Capacity Strength Size Cost Notes Reference
Hand Cannon -2 (L) (8 again) 40/80/160 1 4 5 •••• Loading a hand cannon requires 30 turns (10 if assisted by another character). It cannot be used in any kind of precipitation. Armory 80-81
Matchlock Pistol -1 (L) (8-again) 10/20/40 1 2 2/L ••• Reloading takes 8 turns. Armory 82
Matchlock Musket 0 (L) (8-again) 40/80/160 1 3 4 •••• Reloading takes 12 turns. Armory 82
Flintlock Pistol (Single) 1 (L) 15/30/60 1 2 2/J ••• Reloading takes 8 turns. Armory 82
Flintlock Pistol (Double) 1 (L) 15/30/60 2 2 2/L ••• Reloading takes 8 turns. Armory 82
Flintlock Pistol (Pepperbox) 0 (L) (8-again) 10/20/40 9 2 2/N •••• Reloading takes 8 turns. Armory 82
Flintlock Musket 2 (L) (8-again) 30/60/120 1 3 4 •• Reloading takes 12 turns. Armory 82
Flintlock Musket (Double) 2 (L) (8-again) 30/60/120 2 3 4 ••• Reloading takes 12 turns. Armory 82
Flintlock Rifle 3 (L) 50/100/200 1 3 4 •• Reloading takes 12 turns. Armory 82
Flintlock Rifle (Double) 3 (L) 50/100/200 2 3 4 ••• Reloading takes 12 turns. Armory 82
Light Revolver 2 (L) 15/30/60 9 2 2/J ••• Reloading takes 1 turn per chamber. Armory 81
Heavy Revolver 3 (L) 25/50/100 6 2 2/L ••• Reloading takes 1 turn per chamber. Armory 81
Light Rifle 3 (L) 125/250/500 1 3 3 ••• Reloading takes 1 turn per chamber. Armory 81
Heavy Rifle 4 (L) 200/400/800 1 3 3 ••• Reloading takes 1 turn per chamber. Armory 81
Elephant Gun 5 (L) 250/500/1000 2 4 4 •••• Reloading takes 1 turn per chamber. Armory 81

Other Ranged Weapons

Archaic Thrown Weapons

A thrown weapon with a Range Trait of "Thrown" has a short range equal to the character's Strength + Dexterity + Athletics - the object's Size. If the Range Trait is "Aero," the weapon is aerodynamic and has a short range equal to twice that distance. In all cases, medium range is double short range, and long range is double medium range. The dice pool for throwing weapons is Dexterity + Athletics + equipment.

Name Damage Ranges Capacity Strength Size Cost Notes Reference
Dart -1 (L) Aero 1 1/P Lose 10-again. Armory 89-91 and Armory Errata 2
Hatchet 1 (L or B) Thrown 2 1/J A character can throw the hatchet so that it inflicts Bashing damage. Armory 89-91
Javelin (Combat) 3 (L) Aero 2 2/N •• Armory 89-91
Javelin (Competition) 2 (L) Thrown x 4 2 2/N •• Armory 89-91
Throwing Knife 1 (L) Aero 2 1/S Armory 89-91
Shuriken -1 (L) Aero 1 1/P Lose 10-again. Armory 89-91 and Armory Errata 2
Atlatl 4 (L) Thrown x 5 1 2 3 ••• Used with a javelin. Armory 90-91
Sling 2 (L) Thrown x 3 1 2 1/P Armory 90-91 and Armory Errata 2
Stave Sling 3 (L) Thrown x 5 1 2 4 Armory 90-91

Archaic Propelled Weapons

Name Damage Ranges Capacity Strength Size Cost Notes Reference
Blowgun 0 (L) * 1 1 2/N Short Range equal to the shooter's Size + Stamina + Athletics. Armory 90-91
Bow Minimum Strength (L) * 1 * * Short Range equal to triple the shooter's Strength + Size + Athletics. Size is one less than the Size of its user. Penalties for insufficient Strength are doubled. A character can make a bow with an extended Dexterity + Survival roll (10 - min. Strength successes required; 4 hours per roll). Can be fired with Dexterity + Firearms or Dexterity + Athletics, but a character without at least • in the Fighting Style: Archery Merit suffers -2. Armory 90-91 and Armory Errata 2-3
Compound Bow Minimum Strength +1 (L) * 1 * * •• The traits of a compound bow are the same as a regualr bow (above), but its Range is equal to four times the shooter's Strength + Size + Athletics, and a character cannot make her own compound bow. Armory 90-91
Crossbow 3 (L) 40/80/160 1 2 3 ••• Armor Piercing 2. Reloading takes 4 turns. Can be fired with either Athletics or Firearms. Armory 90-91
Hand Crossbow 1 (L) 15/30/160 1 1 2/N •• Folds to 1/J. Armor Piercing 1. Reloading takes 2 turns. Can be fired with either Athletics or Firearms. Armory 90-91
Arbalest 4 (L) 75/150/300 1 4 4 •••• Armor Piercing 4. Reloading takes 8 turns. Can be fired with either Athletics or Firearms. Armory 90-91
Repeating Crossbow 2 (L) 35/70/140 15 3 5 ••••• Armor Piercing 1. Can be fired with either Athletics or Firearms. Capable of short and medium bursts of automatic fire. Armory 90-91


Explosive Traits

Damage: The number of dice added to pools made to attack with the explosive in question. The type of explosive determines the base dice pool; hand grenades are Dexterity + Athletics, for example. The number written after the damage is the number of bonus successes added to a successful roll. For instance, a weapon with Damage 2 (L) +2 adds 2 dice to a dice pool and deals 2 + successes damage on a successful roll.
Stationary explosives have a Damage trait of N/A because the damage they deal to anyone and anything nearby is determined by Blast Area and Force.

Blast Area: The diameter of the primary explosion in yards. The secondary blast area is twice this number. An explosive with a Blast Area of 0 only affects whatever the explosive is in contact with, but they do have a secondary Blast Area of 1.

Force: Bystanders within the Blast Area of an explosive take the explosive's Force rating as automatic points of damage. Characters within the secondary Blast Area have the Force rolled as a dice pool and take the successes in damage.

Ranges: The weapon's short/medium/long range (in yards). Attacks at medium range suffer -2, and attacks at long range suffer -4.

Cost: The amount of dots in an appropriate Merit—usually Resources—to purchase or acquire this item. An explosive device with a cost listed as "—" is restricted for civilian sale and must be purchased through the black market.

Size: The weapon's Size (see World of Darkness p. 135). An additional value indicates the amount of clothing under which a weapon can be concealed: P (Palm/Pocket), S (Shirt), J (Jacket), L (Long Coat), or N (Not concealable).

Notes: Additional information on the weapon not listed in its other statistics. Many explosive weapons have the Knockdown effect, which is detailed on World of Darkness 168.

Reference: The page number(s) in one of the World of Darkness rulebooks that details this weapon.


Thrown grenades with a Range Trait of "Thrown" has a short range equal to the character's Strength + Dexterity + Athletics - the object's Size. If the Range Trait is "Aero," the grenade is aerodynamic and has a short range equal to twice that distance. In all cases, medium range is double short range, and long range is double medium range. The dice pool for throwing grenades is Dexterity + Athletics + equipment.

Name Damage Blast Area Force Range Size Cost Notes Reference
Frag, Standard 2 (L) +3 10 3 Aero 1/S Knockdown Armory 104
Frag, Heavy 0 (L) +3 (9-again) 5 3 Aero 1/J Knockdown Armory 104
Frag, Stick 3 (L) +2 10 2 Aero 1/J Knockdown Armory 104
Pipe Bomb 0 (L) +2 5 2 Thrown 2/J Igniting a pipe bomb takes a turn and a Wits + Crafts roll. Armory 104
Stun Grenade 1 (B) +2 5 2 Aero 1/S •• Knockdown, Stun Armory 104
Thermite -2 (L) +4 fire 5 4 Aero 1/J Armor Piercing 8; each turn after the first, everything in the blast area takes 4 fire damage. Thermite can fuse metal parts. Armory 104
White Phosphorous -2 (L) +4 fire 5 4 Aero 1/J Armor Piercing 3; each turn after the first, everything in the blast area takes 4 fire damage. The blast area is filled with smoke that lasts for 2 minutes; anything inside the cloud is considered substantially covered and characters inside the smoke are treated as if they were fighting blind. Armory 104-105
Molotov Cocktail -1 (L) +2 fire 3 2 Thrown 2/L Each turn after the first, everything in the blast area takes 2 fire damage. Armory 104-105
Smoke Grenade -1 10 Aero 1/J •• The blast area is filled with smoke that lasts for 2 minutes; anything inside the cloud is considered substantially covered and characters inside the smoke are treated as if they were fighting blind. Armory 104-105
Tear Gas Grenade -1 10 Aero 1/J •• The blast area is filled with smoke that lasts for 2 minutes; anything inside the cloud is considered substantially covered and characters inside the smoke are treated as if they were fighting blind. Armory 104-105

Biological and Chemical Weapons


After exposure to a bioweapon, a character must roll Stamina + Resolve - 2 once a day for (10 - Stamina) days. If one of these rolls fails, the character is infected.

Bioweapons have Cost •••••, and military-grade ones are all but impossible to acquire.

A character must roll Stamina + Resolve - Toxicity to resist a bioweapon. One success is enough to resist all effects.

The time listed in the Exposure column is how often a character must make a roll to resist the bioweapon when still exposed to it.

Name Effects Toxicity Exposure Form and Unit Treatment Reference
Anthrax An infection immediately inflicts 3 Bashing damage; once infected, the character must roll against the Toxicity once per day. Each failure causes 3 Bashing damage. 4 Once per hour Airborne inhalant, though it can be ingested or enter the body through wounds. 1 gram can cover a 5-yard area. When on high doses of antibiotics, gain +2 to the roll to resist the disease. Overcoming anthrax is an extended Stamina + Resolve roll (1 roll per day, 20 successes required). Armory 123
Ricin Failing the Stamina + Resolve roll immediately causes 5 Lethal damage. 8 Once per minute In powder or mist form, 1 gram covers a 5-yard area. In pellet form, one pellet affects one person. Characters under medical care receive +1 to Stamina + Resolve rolls to resist poison. Overcoming Ricin poisoning is an extended Stamina + Resolve roll (1 roll per day, 30 successes required). Armory 124

Chemical Weapons

Chemical weapons have Cost ••••• unless listed otherwise, and military-grade ones are all but impossible to acquire.

A character must roll Stamina + Resolve - Toxicity to resist a chemical hazard. One success is enough to resist all effects.

The time listed in the Exposure column is how often a character must make a roll to resist the chemical when still exposed to it.

Name Effects Toxicity Exposure Form and Unit Treatment Reference
Mustard Gas Failing the Stamina + Resolve roll causes 2 Lethal damage. While under the effects of mustard gas, characters take -1 to Composure rolls. 4 Once per 5 minutes Coffee-can-sized containers of gas can fill 20-yard areas. There's no treatment or antidote, but characters can heal normally after decontamination. Armory 124-125
Hydrogen Cyanide Failing a resistance roll causes 3 Lethal damage. Additionally, once infected, characters must roll against cyanide daily until overcoming the effect. 6 Once every 10 minutes 50 mg of liquid cyanide can poison an adult, and an ounce of boiled vapor can cover a 5-yard area. While under medical care, characters receive +1 to Stamina + Resolve rolls to resist. Overcoming cyanide poisoning is an extended Stamina + Resolve roll (1 roll per day, 20 successes required). Armory 125
Phosgene Failing to resist causes 3 Bashing damage. While under the effects of phosgene, characters receive -1 to all Composure rolls. 5 Once per turn 1 liter of heated phosgene covers 5 yards. While under medical care, characters receive +1 to Stamina + Resolve resistance rolls. Overcoming phosgene poisoning is an extended Stamina + Resolve roll (1 roll per day, 10 successes required). Armory 125
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