World of Darkness Equipment

Name: The name of the piece of equipment. If a name is followed by a variant note (such as [God-Machine Chronicle Variant]), multiple versions of the item exist with significant variations in mechanics or cost.

Cost: The amount of dots in an appropriate Merit—usually Resources—to purchase or acquire this item.

Description: The function of the item, usually in terms of equipment bonuses.

Reference: The page number(s) in one of the World of Darkness rulebooks that details this item.

General Equipment

Name Cost Description Reference
Anti-Coagulants ••• If used as a poison, the victim cannot heal Lethal or Aggravated wounds until the dose wears off (6 hours). This does not work on vampires, but if a vampire feeds on someone using anticoagulants, they must spend a point of Willpower to use Vitae until the drug wears off. Armory 129
Automotive Tools Gain +1 (kit) or +2 (garage) to Dexterity or Intelligence + Crafts rolls when working on cars. Significant tasks such as engine replacement require access to a garage. Given time, a character with an Automotive Specialty in Crafts can repair mundane issues without rolling. God-Machine Chronicle 223
Ballistic Armor Wall •••• A mobile piece of cover with Durability 5, Size 7, and Structure 12. Armory 179
Battering Ram •• Allows up to 4 people to cooperate on a roll to break barriers, gives +4 to these rolls, and allows users to ignore 2 points of Durability. God-Machine Chronicle 238
Bear Trap •• Causes 3 Lethal damage when activated and ignores 2 points of armor or Durability. Trapped characters can escape with a Strength + Stamina - 2 roll. Failure causes another point of Lethal damage. Rolls made to hide bear traps suffer -2. God-Machine Chronicle 238
Cache • to ••• A cache can be half the Size of its parent item or smaller. It can hold 2 items of its Size and a reasonable number of smaller items. Each dot in Cost lends +1 to rolls made to conceal items in the cache and -1 to rolls made to find items in the cache. God-Machine Chronicle 223
Caltrops •• Moving through caltrops causes a point of Lethal damage (ignores 1 point of armor or Durability) without a successful Dexterity + Athletics - 2 roll. A character still can only move half speed through caltrops. Hiding caltrops is a Wits + Larceny - 3 roll. God-Machine Chronicle 238
Camouflage Clothing •• Gain +2 to rolls made to remain unnoticed. God-Machine Chronicle 238
Cash • to ••••• Expend to gain +1 per dot of Cost to Social rolls where bribes might be of use or purchase an item of equal Cost. God-Machine Chronicle 240-241
Climbing Gear •• Gain +2 to Strength + Athletics rolls made to climb, and if properly used (with a Wits + Athletics roll), stop the character from falling more than 10 feet at a time. God-Machine Chronicle 238
Communications Headset •• Speak with others within about 200 feet. Gain +1 (or +2 if practiced) to coordinated efforts, but if unpracticed, users must make reflexive Wits + Composure rolls to cooperate successfully. Heavy objects (with a Durability greater than 3) obstructing the signal require listeners to make Wits + Composure rolls to understand messages. God-Machine Chronicle 223
Contraband • to ••••• As cash, but only usable in certain circles, and gan +1 to its relative effect (maximum +5). God-Machine Chronicle 241
Crime Scene Kit •• Gain +2 to Investigation rolls, and allow evidence to be moved from the scene of a crime back to a laboratory. God-Machine Chronicle 223
Crowbar Adds +2 to rolls made to establish leverage. When prying things open, characters can ignore up to 2 points of Durability on the lock or barricade. God-Machine Chronicle 238
Code Kit Allows the creation of simple cyphers. Without the necessary reference key, attempts to crack the cypher take a -5 penalty. God-Machine Chronicle 223
Cracking Software ••• Gain +2 on rolls made to hack into computers, and force security personnel to make two successful rolls to track the hacker. God-Machine Chronicle 223
Demolitions Kit ••• Gain +3 to Intelligence + Science rolls to create or deactivate explosives. World of Darkness 140
Digital Recorder • or •• Gain +1 per dot of Cost to rolls made to catch words or sounds. God-Machine Chronicle 235
Disguise • to ••• Don't make rolls to blend into crowds, and rolls made to actively identify the disguised character as an outsider suffer -1 per dot of Cost God-Machine Chronicle 241
Duct Tape Gavin +1 to arguable Crafts-related rolls and add a point of Durability to almost anything. If used as a restraint, rolls to break free suffer -3. God-Machine Chronicle 235
Fashion • to ••••• Gain +1 (•), +2 (•• or •••), or +3 (•••• or •••••) to Social rolls when wearing fashion appropriate to the situation. God-Machine Chronicle 241
First-Aid Kit • or •• Allows for treatment of injuries and stabilization of patients. The •• version gives a +1 bonus to treatment rolls. World of Darkness 140
Flashlight Rather than having actions reduced to a chance roll in darkness, only take -3 or -4 in darkness. World of Darkness 140
Flashlight [God-Machine Chronicle Variant] Subtract -1 from darkness penalties and gain +1 to search for something in the dark. A flashlight can also blind someone with a Dexterity + Athletics (- Defense) roll, forcing the victim to make a contested Stamina roll. Failure means the character is blinded for a turn. God-Machine Chronicle 235-236
Gasmask •• Gain +5 on Stamina-based rolls to resist potent airborne hazards; minor toxins don't require rolls to resist. God-Machine Chronicle 239
Glowstick As flashlights, but they cannot be used to blind others and work when wet. God-Machine Chronicle 236
GPS Tracker •• Allows a character to track others. God-Machine Chronicle 236
Gunsmithing Kit •• Gain +2 to Dexterity + Crafts rolls when cleaning, maintaining, and repairing firearms. World of Darkness 140
Handcuffs Applying handcuffs to an opponent in a grapple is a Strength + Brawl - opponent's Strength roll. Breaking out of handcuffs requires 4 successes on Strength + Stamina - 4 rolls, each of which causes a point of Bashing damage. A character can also slip out with Dexterity + Athletics - 4, which allows for escape (and 1 point of Bashing damage) on a success and causes a point of Lethal damage on a failure. Attempting to do anything involving manual dexterity while cuffed incurs a -4 penalty (or -2 if cuffed from the front).
Plastic zip tie handcuffs have -1 Durability and can be cut off, but they increase the penalty for actions while cuffed by 1.
God-Machine Chronicle 239
Keylogging Software •• Gain +2 to breaching network firewalls and finding data when hacking from logging keystrokes on a computer. God-Machine Chronicle 236
Lockpicking Kit •• As long as the character using the kit has a dot of Larceny and enough time to spare, they can pick a lock with no roll. If time is an issue, they gain +2 to Dexterity + Larceny rolls.
Portable lockpicks are Cost • and more concealable, but only provide a +1 bonus and don't allow for picking locks without rolling.
Digital lockpicks are Cost ••• but typically only work on a certain type of digital lock.
God-Machine Chronicle 239
Lumionl Gain +2 to rolls made to investigate crime scenes or track wounded individuals by causing bodily fluids to glow in the dark. God-Machine Chronicle 236
Mace (Pepper Spray) Usable as a weapon (Dexterity + Athletics or Firearms + 1, Defense applies) with a short range of 1 yard, a medium range of 2 yards, and a long range of 3 yards. Opponents suffer the Stun Tilt and take -5 to all actions, which can be reduced by 1 for each turn spent rinsing the eyes with water. God-Machine Chronicle 239
Makeup Kit ••• With 10 minutes of preparation, gain +1 to any applicable social rolls, and rolls made to detect a character's true identity take -1. God-Machine Chronicle 241
Multi-Tool Makes certain Crafts rolls (and other assorted tasks) possible when they would otherwise not be due to lack of equipment. Also can serve as an improvised weapon (Damage 0 (L), with a -1 penalty to hit). God-Machine Chronicle 237
Night Vision Goggles •• Characters do not suffer penalties for acting blind and can see when they otherwise could not. Bright lights can blind the wearer of night vision goggles. God-Machine Chronicle 239
Nitrous Oxide •• Every 10 minutes that nitrous oxide is inhaled, a character must succeed on a Stamina + Resolve -1 penalty or the character loses a point of Intelligence. After all Intelligence is lost this way, the character then begins to lose Stamina at the same rate. However, while under the effects of nitrous, characters ignore wound penalties. Armory 129
Personal Computer • to •••• Gain +1 per dot of Cost to Computer rolls. God-Machine Chronicle 237
Polygraph Machine ••• Gain +3 to rolls made to detect lies as long as the operator has Medicine • or greater. God-Machine Chronicle 241
Rope Gain +1 to relevant Crafts rolls and can bind things as if it had a Durability or effective Strength equal to the Crafts score of whoever ties the knot. God-Machine Chronicle 239
Slick •• When a character tries to move across a slicked floor or grasp a slicked object, they must roll Dexterity + Athletics - 3. Slick lasts for an hour, but every 15 minutes after application, the penalty to rolls made to resist slick is reduced by 1. God-Machine Chronicle 240
Smartphone • to ••• Access to a wide range of mobile computing ability. Can give +1 to +2 to Computer rolls. God-Machine Chronicle 237
Special Effects ••• Can be used to entertain or distract witnesses, or set them up for a trap (+2 dice bonus). God-Machine Chronicle 237
Surveillance Equipment ••• Intruders who are unaware of the equipment are automatically recorded. Attempting to avoid the equipment is a Dexterity + Stealth roll vs. the installing technician's Intelligence + Computer + 2 or Intelligence + Crafts + 2 roll. God-Machine Chronicle 237
Survival Gear • or ••• The • version can subtract 1 from the effective level of environment and offers a +1 to Survival rolls. The ••• version can subtract 2 from the effective level of environment and offers +2 to Survival rolls, but must be tailored to a specific environment. God-Machine Chronicle 237
Talcum Powder If placed at a portal of entry, intruders must get 5 successes on a Dexterity + Stealth roll to enter with no trace. God-Machine Chronicle 237
Ultraviolet Ink Relay messages only visible to those viewing them under ultraviolet light. God-Machine Chronicle 237-238

Firearm Accessories

Name Cost Description Reference
Bipods Reduce the penalty for both medium and long range shots by 1 each. Also, when firing a burst, a bipod can reduce the penalty by 1 as well. Armory 163
Ear Protection If the Storyteller chooses to impose negative effects for hearing gunshots, characters wearing ear protection do not suffer them, but they also take -2 to listening-related Wits + Composure rolls. Armory 163
Gunsmithing Kit •• Gain +2 to rolls to clean, fix, or modify a firearm as an extended Dexterity + Crafts roll (15 minutes, required successes relative to complexity of the task). Armory 163
Light Mount • or •• Allows a flashlight to be mounted to a weapon, eliminating blind-fighting penalties to just -3. The •• version are brighter lights that reduce the penalty to -2. Using a weapon-mounted light allows nearby attackers to target the shooter at a -4 penalty rather than using blind-fighting rules. Armory 163
Reloading Bench •• Allows bullets to be reloaded and handmade by characters, including special loads. Reloading bullets is an extended Dexterity + Crafts + equipment roll requiring 30 minutes per roll. Each success results in 5 normal bullets or 2 custom rounds. Armory 163-164
Sighting Tools •• Sighting a firearm is an extended Wits + Firearms roll (10 successes required; 10 minutes and 10 rounds of ammunition per roll), with a +2 for using sighting tools. Successfully sighting a firearm adds a +1 bonus to medium- and long-ranged attacks until (the weapon's Damage x 2) bullets are fired from it. Armory 164-165
Sights, Fiber Optic Lightly glowing sights add +1 to all shooting rolls in which the shooter takes at least 1 turn to aim. These are available for bows and any firearms. Armory 165-166
Sights, Laser •• or ••• Gain +1 to short-range attacks and halve the penalty to medium-range attacks, but this only applies with single shots or short bursts. The target of a surprise attack by a laser-sighted weapon recieves a +1 (+2 in dusty conditions) to their Wits + Composure roll to avoid surprise. Infared laser beams cost ••• but are only visible with night-vision sights or goggles. Armory 166
Sights, Telescopic When using a scoped long gun, range penalties for medium-range attacks are ignored and penalties for long-range shots are halved. On a handgun, scopes offer no penalty to medium-range shots, but the long-range penalty is still halved. Armory 166
Sights, Telescopic (Night Vision) ••• or •••• Night vision scopes reduce the long-range shot penalty to -3 and allow the user to ignore blind-fighting penalties at short and medium range (though short-range shots take a -1). Bright lights disable night vision scopes for 1 turn unless they are day/night scopes (Cost ••••) Armory 166
Sights, Telescopic (Thermal) ••••• Eliminates range penalties for short and medium range, and reduces the long range penalty to -1. However, for these to work, the target must be warm. When targeting vampires, treat thermal sights as normal telescopic sights. Armory 166
Speedloader Reload a weapon without foregoing Defense that turn. Armory 167
Stock, Collapsible •• Reduces a weapon's Size by 1 (or a Size 3 or Size 2/N weapon becomes Size 2/L), but this cannot bring a weapon's Size below 2. Refitting a gun requires 15 successes on an extended Dexterity + Crafts roll (15 minutes per roll) that suffers -1 without a Gunsmithing Kit. Armory 167
Suppressor ••• Characters within 50 yards take -4 to Wits + Composure rolls when attempting to notice the sound from a suppressed firearm firing a subsonic round. If firing a supersonic bullet, witnesses within 100 rounds take only -2 to the perception roll. Attemting to visually locate a shooter who's using a suppressor is performed at -3. Suppressed revolvers and shotguns diminish all penalties to -2. Armory 167
Suppressor [God-Machine Chronicle Variant] •• Reduces a gun's damage rating by 1 but gives +2 to attack dice pools at short range. Also, a character who tries to identify a suppressed shot must roll Wits + Firearms - 2, and rolls made to search for the shooter take -2. God-Machine Chronicle 238-239

Supernatural Equipment

Name Cost Description Reference
Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Detector Gain +2 to searching for ghosts or their traces. If actively watching the EMF Detector when a ghost uses its Numina, a character can detect it with no roll. God-Machine Chronicle 241-242
Energy Meter ••• Gain the bonus of the Unseen Sense Merit for a specific type of creature. Also, gain +1 to convince people that an area is either influenced by or absent of the supernatural. God-Machine Chronicle 242
Flash Cotton/Paper When a creature weak against fire sees flash cotton or paper combust, it must succeed a Resolve + Composure roll to resist recoiling. If a character deliberately burned the paper to check for a reaction, the creature may gain a condition such as Exposed or Shaken. God-Machine Chronicle 242
Grave Dirt ••• Ghosts or spirits attempting to Manifest or use other Numina in the presence of grave dirt gain +2 to their roll. God-Machine Chronicle 242
Incense •• Gain +1 to Supernatural Merit rolls as long as the type of incense symbolically matches the action. God-Machine Chronicle 242
Kirlian Camera ••• Gain +2 to rolls used to identify the supernatural when examining pictures taken by a Kirlian Camera. It does not aid in identifying the specifics. God-Machine Chronicle 242
Protective Amulet ••• Any time a wearer of a real protective amulet is subject to harmful magic, gain +2 to rolls to resist. If the spell achieves an exceptional success, the amulet shatters and causes a point of Lethal damage to the wearer. God-Machine Chronicle 242-243
Salt Ethereal creatures cannot cross solid lines of salt, and if all portals into a building are lined with salt, they cannot enter at all. Salt used in abjuration magic adds +2, and a spirit that tries to use Numina to break a salt line must spend a point of Willpower and take -2 to the roll. Salt incorporated into a weapon causes a ghost to lose 1 point of Corpus and Discorporate for 1 turn per success. God-Machine Chronicle 243

Surveilance Gear

Name Cost Description Reference
Binoculars See up to 500 yards without penalty; every 100 yards past this, Perception rolls incur -1, to a maximum of -5 at 1,000 yards. Armory 168
Binoculars, Night Vision ••• As binoculars, but characters begin taking the sight penalties after only 200 yards. Armory 168
Bugs (Covert Listening Devices) •• Remotely listen to areas within a quarter mile. Characters can find the frequency of a bug with a Wits + Computers or Craft roll. Planting bugs is a Wits + Larceny roll, which is contested by a Wits + Investigation roll if anyone tries to search for bugs. Smaller bugs that fit into the tip of a pen or on a button cost ••• and impose -1 to the roll made to find them. Large bugs are Size 2, and the roll to hide them takes -1. Armory 168
Bug Sweeper ••• Gain +2 to the roll to search for a bug. Armory 168
Disguised Camera •• A functioning Size 2 (or greater) device that records up to 2 hours of footage and plays it later. Smaller (Size 1) cameras have Cost •••. Extra features such as longer recording time, wireless monitoring, better video quality, or waterproofing add +1 to Cost (maximum Cost ••••). Looking for a disguised camera is a Wits + Investigation - (Cost) roll; casual passerby are not allowed an automatic roll to spot a disguised camera. Armory 168-169
Tracking Device ••• Civilian tracking equipment can be monitored with a phone call or online. law-enforcement private sector law enforcement tracking devices can be modified with an extended Intelligence + Crafts roll (15 successes required, 30 minutes per roll) to be tracked by someone else. Hiding a tracking device is a Wits + Larceny + 2 roll, implanting a microchip tag in a creature is an Intelligence + Medicine roll, and embedding the chip inside a device is a Wits + Crafts roll. Armory 169
Keystroke Logger Small device that records keystrokes when plugged into a computer. Employing and retrieving the device are Wits + Computers rolls. Armory 169
Reverse Peephole Look into rooms from the peephole, allowing Wits + Investigation - 4 rolls to be made to look for specific things within view. Armory 169
Spyware •• Once a computer is infected with spyware, it transmits records the computer's data to the "spy" through the Internet. Installing Spyware over a network connection is a contested hacking attempt (World of Darkness 57) that requires 7 successes, with a +2 bonus. Armory 169-170
Wi-Fi Sniffer A small device that locates wi-fi networks within 100 yards and shows their signal strength. Armory 170
Wiretap •• Conversations on a certain phone line connected to a wiretap are transmitted to a third party. Placing a wiretap is an Intelligence + Larceny roll; attempts to find it are Wits + Investigation rolls. Armory 170


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