Firefly Dies

World of Darkness SRD

This site hosts a World of Darkness and Chronicles of Darkness HTML system reference document.

The World of Darkness SRD aims to be fully functional for reference during play, but it is abbreviated and cannot fully be used as a substitute for the original content of the World of Darkness books.

Contents under construction.

Core World of Darkness

Changeling: The Lost

Furthest Reaches

Furthest Reaches is a science fiction tabletop RPG with a space opera theme. It aims to provide a flexible framework for epic sci-fi adventures unconstrained by complex systems and settings.

The first edition is in development now. Check out the Trello board or read the work-in-progress copy!

Incomplete Build (PDF) Trello Board


Here are the various recipes I've compiled and edited over the years. Written with the ingredient list first, because I don't give a shit about how much engagement I get, and in my usual rambling and overly familiar style.

Check them out!

RPG Homebrew

Here's all of my custom D&D 3.5e and Pathfinder. You'll find everything from house rules to adjusted versions of popular races—if I get around to it.

Check it out! Saekai (WorldAnvil)


Contents under construction.

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